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Biomass & Waste to Energy Analysis

Biomass & Waste to Energy Analysis

Evaluating utilisation options for biomass or wastes is a complex matter.  HRL has a team of experts and laboratory capabilities to navigate these complexities and deliver detailed understandings of these alternative fuels to enable informed decision making.

HRL is the only NATA accredited laboratory for analysis of Biomass and Refuse Derived Fuel (RDF) in Australia. 


Factors that need to be considered when evaluating options for biomass or waste include:      

  • accurate and representative sampling of waste stream (MSW, C&I, C&D, etc.)
  • fuel analysis methodology including sample preparation
  • safe handling methods to ensure the health and wellbeing of the team   
  • conversion technology and materials     
  • emissions, fouling, corrosion and waste disposal     
  • design, implementation and optimisation of biomass and co-firing options     
  • identifying alternative uses for the biomass or wastes.


HRL can enable its clients to meet these challenges by:    

  • design sampling programs to ensure representative samples are taken
  • characterising the feedstock through optimised analytical testing
  • testing the project feasibility         
  • selecting the right technology     
  • designing the process to match the fuel     
  • project managing the construction of the plant   
  • optimising the operation of the plant
  • assisting in applying for relevant carbon and other credits.


  • resource assessment using EN/ISO specific methodology
  • design of sampling programs and sampling in accordance with international standard methodologies
  • fuel production     
  • waste-to-energy (WtE) 
  • biomass combustion and gasification     
  • biomass co-firing     
  • biofuels.


We work closely with our clients through each step of the process, from concept to implementation, so that informed decisions can be made by the client, and so optimal outcomes will be achieved. HRL's clients have unbridled access to the collective knowledge and experience of our biomass and Waste to Energy (WtE) expert consultants.

NATA accreditation

HRL's NATA accreditation for analysis of biomass and Refuse Derived Fuel (RDF) gives our clients another reason to have confidence in HRL as a leader in this field.  You can read more about HRL's NATA accreditation here


Andrew Gietman is one of HRL's biomass and Waste to Energy (WtE) expert consultants. Andrew has many years of experience working in our laboratory and on our clients' sites on biomass and WtE projects.

Meet The Expert

Nick Miller

Nick has over 20 years of experience working as a chemist in the power generation and mineral processing industries. Inorganic and elemental analysis of various sample types, particularly fuels such as coal, oil and biosolids as well as pharmaceuticals, soils and waters. Material characterisation particularly for energy industries.

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Our Certifications


NATA accredited AtS/NZS ISO 17025, AS/NZS ISO 17020NATA Accredited Laboratories number 561

ISO 9001 Quality Management

ISO 9001 Quality Management certified by BSI under certificate number FS605116.