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Briquetting and Agglomeration

Briquetting and Agglomeration

Briquetting, Pelletisation and Agglomeration

Are you interested in converting a feedstock, waste or by-product into pellets, briquettes, logs or balls? hrl: has provided briquetting and agglomeration support to clients for over thirty years and offers services from laboratory and pilot scale investigations through to plant designs and cost studies and project implementation.

Benefits of Agglomeration

hrl: agglomeration services assist clients in achieving a range of technical, environmental and financial benefits which can include:

  • Reduced materials volumes and improved material consistency for storage, handling and transport
  • Convert the material into a form that can be utilised in a downstream process
  • Alleviating dust related issues including explosion, fire, self-heating, safety, and environmental risks
  • Reduced volumes of waste material requiring disposal and thus reduced disposal costs
  • Converting waste or low value materials into higher value products

hrl: Agglomeration Services

hrl: services related to agglomeration and pelletisation include:

  • Laboratory analysis of feedstock and agglomerates
  • Dangerous Goods Classification 
  • Technical evaluation and selection of agglomeration technologies
  • Assessment of suitable binding agents
  • Pilot-scale agglomeration studies
  • Agglomerate quality testing including chemical properties, mechanical strength, thermal strength and behaviour, DG classification (DG 4.1, 4.2, 4.3); and assessment of emissions during combustion
  • Larger scale trials to produce larger batches (tonne quantities) of agglomerates
  • Detailed engineering/feasibility study for agglomeration plant, including flowsheet development, cost estimation of project viability assessment
  • Sourcing/procurement of equipment and project implementation 
  • Engineering support including optimising existing processes

The agglomeration services are backed by hrl: analytical, thermal and mechanical testing capabilities, and supported by its team of chemical, mechanical, environmental and materials engineers and scientists.

Materials Agglomerated by hrl:

Raw materials:

  • Coal, coke, char and carbons
  • Minerals including iron ore, synthetic rutile, titanium dioxide and spodumene
  • Lime, cement and fly ash
  • Paper and cardboard
  • Bark, wood and sawdust
  • Agricultural by-products
  • Chemicals, plastics and fertilisers


  • Tailings and slurries
  • Fine particulate material captured in dust-extraction systems
  • Steel, nickel, lead and zinc oxide fines
  • Steel, aluminium and a range of other milling waste
  • Chemical, plastic and paper wastes
  • Refuse derived fuel (RDF) and municipal solid waste (MSW)
  • Chicken litter and animal manure
  • Biomass and agricultural waste

hrl: Agglomeration Equipment

The range of agglomeration equipment operated by hrl: includes:

  • Double-roll press briquetter for producing pillow or almond-shaped briquettes
  • Pellet mill to produce 4 and 6 millimetre diameter pellets
  • Drum pelletiser to produce 10 to 30 millimetre spherical pellets
  • Reciprocating stamp press briquetter to produce 90 millimetre diameter briquettes
  • Kneader-extruder to produce pellets from viscous pastes
  • Screw extruder to produce agglomerates from 20 to 50 millimetre in various shapes
  • Bench-scale stamp press
  • Agglomerate quality testing apparatus
  • Auxiliary equipment including mills, dryers, conveyors and mixers

Agglomerate Quality Testing

  • A range of tests and activities can be performed to assess the quality of agglomerates
  • Pellet mechanical durability test (I.S.CEN/TS 15210-1:2006)
  • Drop shatter resistance (2 or 5m drop test)
  • Abradability testing
  • Compressive strength
  • Agglomerate density
  • Resistance to shock heating
  • Visual appearance
  • Moisture content
  • Simulation in downstream processes
  • Plant combustion and kiln trials, including plant performance and emissions testing

hrl: assists clients by employing advanced agglomeration techniques to convert valuable materials from particulate, solid and liquid waste streams into pellets, pills, balls or briquettes that can be recycled or reused.

Meet the expert


Sam has over 14 years of experience in energy efficiency, fuel switching and the implementation of cost saving options from the findings of energy efficient audits on large industrial plants. Sam has extensive experience in evaluation of upgrading and utilisation options for gas, biomass and other fuels. His experience includes material/fuel characterization, practical research and demonstration, techno-economic assessments, and detailed feasibility studies.

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"Proven track record in high end performance testing and analysis.  Professional and competent."

Steve Pascoe
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NATA accredited AtS/NZS ISO 17025, AS/NZS ISO 17020NATA Accredited Laboratories number 561

ISO 9001 Quality Management

ISO 9001 Quality Management certified by BSI under certificate number FS605116.