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Contaminated Materials Testing and Remediation

Contaminated Materials Testing and Remediation

Treatment and disposal of contaminated materials such as soils, wastewater, spent activated carbon and spent pot liner present environmental, safety and economic challenges to industry.  HRL assists clients in testing their contaminated materials and evaluating treatment options.

HRL's range of services relating to contaminated materials include soil remediation, activated carbon regeneration, landfill disposal and aluminium smelting (spent pot liner).

A major area of capability relates to construction and operation of pilot-scale equipment to investigate and demonstrate the performance of commercial or novel thermal treatment processes.  As an example, we simulate thermal desorption processes in a small rotary kiln to determine the parameters, such as temperature and residence time, required for effective removal of organic contaminants.  The extent of removal is determined based on analysis of the contaminated material before and after treatment.

Specific services which are applied to testing and remediation of contaminated materials include:

  • Chemical analysis including VOCs, SVOCs, trace metals, mercury, TPH, and thermal analysis (TGA-DSC)
  • Leachability testing for landfill disposal against relevant EPA standards such as IWRG621 and IWRG631
  • Plant emissions testing for contaminants including particulates, SOx, NOx, PAHs, dioxins and furins, trace metals and halides
  • Laboratory scale remediation trials for contaminated water
  • Pilot-scale agglomeration and encapsulation of contaminated materials
  • Process modelling, evaluation and troubleshooting of thermal processes

Meet the expert


Sam has over 14 years of experience in energy efficiency, fuel switching and the implementation of cost saving options from the findings of energy efficient audits on large industrial plants. Sam has extensive experience in evaluation of upgrading and utilisation options for gas, biomass and other fuels. His experience includes material/fuel characterization, practical research and demonstration, techno-economic assessments, and detailed feasibility studies.

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What Our Clients Say

"We have utilised hrl: for many years and have found hrl: to retain and utilise the same personnel on our tasks providing a high degree of familiarity of the hrl: personnel to the work and our personnel.  Additionally, hrl: have some highly ex...

Paul Farington
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Our Certifications


NATA accredited AtS/NZS ISO 17025, AS/NZS ISO 17020NATA Accredited Laboratories number 561

ISO 9001 Quality Management

ISO 9001 Quality Management certified by BSI under certificate number FS605116.