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Project Management and Implementation

Project Management and Implementation

hrl: offers a project management service to those clients that want us to manage a project or be a ongoing part of their core team.

When you partner with us we provide a unique perspective into your project. Our professional staff is ready to meet your needs and are committed to providing you with value.

With diverse capabilities in consulting, auditing, testing and design we have the services and capabilities to help you tackle your project from start to finish.

Success in managing any complex engineering project requires expert analysis and understanding, along with specialist implementation skills. Such expertise is particularly critical in situations that involve technologically innovative solutions. hrl: provides industry leading project management engineering services. Clients include most of Australia's generators, along with organisations within the cement, mining and mineral sands processing industries.

Engineered implementation

Maintaining control of project safety, quality, timing and costs are vital elements in completing important projects. hrl: personnel have first-hand experience and expertise in managing and implementing large, complex design and construct projects and planned shutdown outages on behalf of clients.

Engineering feasibility studies

A potential project to enhance your operations might involve constructing new plant on a greenfield or brownfield site, adding to or modifying an existing plant, or refurbishing an existing plant. How do you determine a project's feasibility? Will your investment in a project provide the required return? Will a project operate as proposed? Are projected operating costs realistic?

hrl: offers independent, expert assessment of your project's economic and technological viability and feasibility.

Contract administration

Effective contract administration is an important element in delivering major equipment overhauls, plant upgrades or when installing additional plant. Expert contract administration can help ensure that your projects are completed safely, on time and on budget, and with the required level of quality. hrl: expertise in evaluating tenders and contract administration includes drafting tender documents, providing a full range of administration services, and developing contracts to deliver a client's required outcome.

Case Study: flue gas cooling

In recent years power stations in New South Wales have replaced the precipiators they used to reduce their particulate emissions with fabric filters so as to comply with stringent EPA discharge limits. In hot, humid, weather it is necessary to cool gas flowing into the fabric filters to maximise filter life and avoid costly repairs. Where effective cooling is not possible the only option is to limit generating capacity.

hrl: drew on its considerable experience and expertise to analyse the situation, formulate options, model those options, and develop and install a pilot system. The solution was to use water spray attemperation to reduce the temperature of the flue gases and so protect the fabric filters in a process that would not limit power generation even on the hottest days.

Meet the expert


Chris is experienced in the management and administration of contracts, including site supervision of contractors and co-ordination of works in complex, multi-disciplinary tasks. Project management skills include the planning and programming of outage activities including negotiations with stakeholders, estimation of quantities and preparation of engineering and cost studies.

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"Leaders in the industry."

Marcel Berens
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Our Certifications


NATA accredited AtS/NZS ISO 17025, AS/NZS ISO 17020NATA Accredited Laboratories number 561

ISO 9001 Quality Management

ISO 9001 Quality Management certified by BSI under certificate number FS605116.