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Greenhouse, Energy and Environmental Consultancy

Greenhouse, Energy and Environmental Consultancy

HRL offers a comprehensive range of cost effective expert services to assist clients with their greenhouse emissions, energy efficiency and environmental regulatory and/or corporate obligations.

The services offered include expert consultancy complemented by a range of on-site services that HRL has developed to assist clients to reduce costs, associated with energy use and greenhouse gas and other environmental reporting.

HRL greenhouse, energy and environmental consultancy services includes assisting clients to increase the efficiency with which they use electricity and fuels resulting in reduced direct energy use costs and/or indirect costs of greenhouse and other environmental emissions. Financial benefits include reducing input costs, maximising product value, and maximising available funding under state and federal government energy efficiency and greenhouse gas reduction programs.

HRL carbon accounting services assist clients to maximise their accuracy in measuring, calculating, forecasting, and reporting their greenhouse emissions and energy use. Optimising carbon accounting accuracy minimises business risk associated with any future regulatory, or current corporate, cost of carbon.

HRL has assisted multiple federal and state government departments with development and implementation of greenhouse, environmental and energy efficiency programs and can bring this wealth of experience to all projects delivered.

Clients benefit from HRL's expert services:

  • When seeking to reduce greenhouse gas emissions and/or improve energy efficiency by identifying and implementing options
  • When determining or reporting their greenhouse gas emissions and associated uncertainty by identifying practical and economical methods
  • When determining pollutant estimates or seeking licencing changes for environmental protection agencies

Greenhouse abatement and renewable energy services

HRL provides a spectrum of expert services to assist clients to develop projects, interact with regulatory bodies, such as the Australian Clean Energy Regulator (CER) and state environmental protection authorities (EPAs), and to deliver and report on projects for all stages of projects from works approval applications through to annual regulatory reporting.

HRL can assist companies evaluating and implementing projects under programs such as the Emissions Reduction Fund (ERF) or Renewable Energy Target (RET) by drawing on its extensive expertise in biofuels, process efficiency, energy management, and in implementing improvement actions.

National Greenhouse and Energy Reporting (NGER) services

Under the Australian Government's National Greenhouse and Energy Reporting (NGER) Act organisations are required to calculate and report their greenhouse emissions, energy production, and energy consumption (fuel and electricity use) when set thresholds are exceeded.

HRL has extensive experience in providing services to assist organisations required to report under the NGER Scheme. HRL currently provides a comprehensive NGER service for multiple large and small corporations allowing them to save costs and to allocate internal resources more effectively.

Emissions uncertainty reporting services

An important aspect of the data reported for NGER is to include uncertainty estimates for Scope 1 emissions above 25kTCO2-e, which is a mandatory reporting requirement.

HRL offers expert services to assist organisations required to include Scope 1 emissions uncertainty information in their reporting under the NGER Scheme.

Greenhouse and energy audits

HRL has technical experts in all aspects of greenhouse and energy measurement and reporting. Our deep understanding of measurement equipment and systems means we can go beyond the numbers to the underlying sources of risk in your reporting. HRL has a long history of providing clients with audit support for formal third party NGER audits, conducting informal audits and technical reviews.

Carbon accounting services - fuel sampling and analysis

HRL assists clients in evaluating and improving their systems and procedures to help ensure accurate carbon accounting. Any inaccuracy in measuring or calculating emissions will translate into greater business risk for the reporting organisation; risk that can run into hundreds of thousands of dollars annually associated with fuel purchases as well as resulting emissions for facilities with ERF baselines and/or companies trying to meet emission reduction targets.

Specific areas of expertise include:

  • Optimising weigher and meter performance for solid, liquid or gaseous fuels. Weighers and meters are often used in determining the tonnage of fuel consumed as part of calculating and reporting greenhouse gas emissions
  • Optimising fuel sampling and analysis for solid, liquid or gaseous fuels. Accurate and free-from-bias carbon measurement is critical in calculating emissions that are based on fuel consumption.
  • Determining carbon-in-ash levels for solid fuel combustion. An 'oxidation factor' is used to quantify the fraction of carbon feedstock that is combusted. The default 'oxidation factor' supplied by NGER Determination is 1.0 for solid fuel combustion. Another option in the NGER Determination is to calculate a facility-specific 'oxidation factor'. Accuracy of the 'oxidation factor' is critical, as the factor has a material impact when calculating emissions. hrl: works with clients, helping to ensure accurate reporting and minimise financial risk.

HRL works with clients in evaluating and optimising the many facets of measuring carbon accurately, along with the other important analytical parameters used for emissions reporting including fuel composition, density, moisture, ash levels and calorific value. HRL develops fuel sampling programs and is backed up by HRL analytical capabilities.

National Pollution Inventory

Under the Australian Government's National Pollution Inventory (NPI) organisations are required to calculate and report their emissions of certain pollutants when set thresholds are exceeded. HRL has experience in providing services to assist organisations required to report under the NPI.

Meet the expert

Glenn Innes

Glenn has over 14 years' experience working in process engineering and environmental engineering capacities within the power generation, chemical manufacturing, mineral processing and mining industries.

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What Our Clients Say

"hrl: is a company we have been using for a long time now without any problems, they have been extremely good with customer service and we have deve...

David Hodges
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Our Certifications


NATA accredited AtS/NZS ISO 17025, AS/NZS ISO 17020NATA Accredited Laboratories number 561

ISO 9001 Quality Management

ISO 9001 Quality Management certified by BSI under certificate number FS605116.