expertise in action

Coal Analysis

Coal Analysis

Coal and Bore Core Analytical Services - Expert analysis services to support the Australian coal industry


To remain competitive in the continually expanding Australia coal market, resource companies undertaking exploration need accurate and timely analysis of their samples. Effective and efficient sample testing and analysis is critical in understanding a resource, and in providing accurate information to determine the best use of that resource such as its suitability for export, use in hydrogen production, briquetting, carbonisation, coal-to-liquids processing or for power generation.

Specific challenges facing owners of coal resources include:

  • accessing comprehensive analysis services that support a range of ustilisation options
  • finding a service supplier with a strong client service ethic
  • obtaining reliable, independent and accurate analysis results
  • timely reporting of results.


HRL offers expert, independent, coal analysis services that draw on its skilled personnel who have extensive experience and a deep understanding of the nature of coal resources. The expertise and experience HRL personnel offer is complemented by the firm's sophisticated chemical, physical and thermal analytical facilities and systems. The result is a comprehensive, trustworthy and expert coal analysis service that includes:

  • providing the skills of experienced, client-focused personnel
  • the ability to evaluate a range of coal utilisation options from power generation through to metallurgical applications
  • comprehensive analysis from routine through to complex laboratory-scale testing
  • determining a range of coal-quality parameters providing independent advice advising on coal sampling and preparation options and programs.


HRL provides individually tailored solutions and analysis results to support the unique requirements of individual clients. Benefits include:

  • advice on laboratory sampling, preparation and analysis schemes
  • assistance with the design of bore core analysis  programs to maximise effectiveness and efficiency
  • cost-effective analysis services
  • accurate and reliable analysis results for greenfield and brownfield resources
  • on-time reporting of results that allow exploration and development to continue in line with a pre-determined program
  • the ability to despatch and receive samples internationally.

Resource Evaluation of Low Rank Coals

HRL provides consulting and technology services for low rank coal utilisation.  We cover all aspects of coal resource evaluation and utilisation including:

  • exploration program design
  • coal analysis chemical and physical
  • coal quality data interpretation
  • coal production and processing
  • utilisation options including laboratory, pilot and commercial scale testing
  • process design, modelling, costing and engineering
  • materials and environmental issues


HRL's experience in coal utilisation extends to more than 40 years and includes all aspects of coal resource evaluation, upgrading and processing including drying, briquetting, combustion, gasification and fouling behaviour, and associated engineering, metallurgical and environmental issues.

HRL laboratories have specialist facilities for laboratory and pilot-scale evaluation of coal performance in utilisation applications including coal analysis, preparation and drying, combustion and gasification, fouling and slagging, carbonisation, briquetting, conversion to liquid fuels, etc. 

A core HRL capability is our knowledge and understanding of the impact of coal quality on utilisation.  Our clients benefit from this knowledge by allowing them to maximise the return on their assets - for both existing and new projects.

HRL also maintains a network of relationships with leading geologists, mining engineers and mine planners who assist in projects as required.


HRL has undertaken low-rank coal resource evaluation programs throughout Australia. In the extensive Victorian brown coal bore core analysis program, over 1 million metres of coal investigation bores were drilled and over 130,000 coal samples analysed.

Over 50 million tonnes per annum of brown coal is supplied from two working open cut mines in the Latrobe Valley. Almost all of this coal is used for power generation with a small amount used for the production of dried brown coal briquettes. HRL provides all the supporting coal analytical services in support of existing and proposed coal mining programs, and the power station and briquetting operations.

HRL has undertaken low rank coal resource evaluation and utilisation projects in New Zealand, Indonesia, Malaysia, Thailand, China, Philippines, India, Pakistan, Czech Republic and Ireland. HRL continues to maintain strong relationships with coal utilisation experts and organisations across the world.

HRL staff achieved international acclaim for its role in the detailed feasibility studies for the Zhaotung integrated lignite mine and power station project in the Province of Yunnan, People Republic of China.


HRL can provide:

  • all analytical services associated with the analysis and evaluation of low-rank coals, including design of bore sampling and testing programs
  • evaluation of coal utilisation options from power generation through to metallurgical and agricultural applications
  • laboratory and pilot-scale testing: coal preparation, drying, washing, briquetting, carbonisation, combustion, gasification, etc
  • conceptual and front-end process design, engineering and costs studies
  • environmental assessments including modelling of emission sources to the environment
  • project due-diligence and independent advice

Meet the expert


Over 15 years of experience working as a chemist in the power generation and mineral processing industries. Inorganic and elemental analysis of various sample types, particularly fuels such as coal, oil and biosolids as well as pharmaceuticals, soils and waters.

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What Our Clients Say

"For certain alleged foreign matter complaints in our products we need not only the analytical services provided by the lab there at HRL, but particularly the expert opinion of scientists such as Greg Richards to give an independent opinion on the ...

Andrew Penncuick
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Our Certifications


NATA accredited AtS/NZS ISO 17025, AS/NZS ISO 17020NATA Accredited Laboratories number 561

ISO 9001 Quality Management

ISO 9001 Quality Management certified by BSI under certificate number FS605116.