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Energy Efficiency

Posted by Alex Blatchford on 2 June 2017

Energy Efficiency

The commercial viability of many Australian manufacturing businesses is being negatively impacted by rapidly escalating energy costs.  Urgent action is needed to sustain margins and profitability.

hrl: offers a specialist energy efficiency service to cut the costs of Australian industrial manufacturers who use gas, coal, biomass, or waste fuels to generate power, steam, or process heat.

In many cases, renewable energy can be a part of the solution for improving energy efficiency and reducing greenhouse emissions.

Want to find out more? Download our Energy Efficiency Flyer

How we can help

hrl: is a partner you can trust to improve the profitability of your business by reducing energy costs.

Unlike other companies, we won't just tell you to change your light bulbs or provide a report with recommendations and no practical outcomes.  hrl: has expert engineers with experience in identifying and delivering major energy reduction opportunities - that you can action now.

With capabilities in energy auditing, securing government financial assistance packages (such as VIC EAG, SA EPP and NSW EEBP) engineering design and process modelling, precision measurement, combustion optimisation, fuel switching, independent evaluation of equipment and technology options, feasibility studies, business case development and project management, we can provide assistance to both identify saving opportunities and implement them.  We take great pride in long-term relationships and often partner with our customers to sustain and grow further efficiencies over time, e.g. remote digital monitoring and optimisation of power generation processes.

Our customers have saved millions of dollars through our tailored engineering solutions. We share your urgency, and are available to work with you immediately to reduce your energy costs sustainably.

What our clients say

"Going through the process of the energy audit was great for two main reasons. Firstly, it identified where we have information gaps and what we can start measuring to better understand our energy usage. Secondly, it independently identified and quantified energy savings projects that we had internally known about, but hadn't yet been able to build a business case around. We are keen to act quickly and implement these improvements to lock in benefits."
James Perrin, Sustainability Manager at Stone and Wood

Alex BlatchfordAuthor:Alex Blatchford
About: Wide experience in process engineering mainly in the area of power generation systems, performance optimisation, gasification, minerals processing, process plant design and modelling and greenhouse emissions.
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Tags:EfficiencyEnergy Auditsexpertise

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