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Energy Efficiency Council News

Posted by Sam Clayton on 8 September 2017

Here is an article that appeared on the Energy Efficiency Council website on November 4th 2017 that we felt was worth sharing.


The Andrews Labor Government is helping businesses reduce their energy costs through a range of programs that support long term sustainability and jobs growth.

Minister for Energy, Environment and Climate Change Lily D'Ambrosio today visited logistics company Metcash, which saved $300,000 on their annual energy bill after taking part in the Labor Government's Victorian Energy Upgrades (VEU) program.

The VEU initiative helped Metcash halve the cost of purchasing 2,000 energy saving lights, significantly reducing the time it took for the company to recover their initial investment.

VEU is the largest energy efficiency certificate program in Australia. It gives households and businesses access to discounts on energy-efficient products and services, helping them cut their power bills and reduce greenhouse gas emissions.

Victorian Energy Upgrades was launched in 2009 and has helped more than 70,000 businesses and 1.7 million households undertake energy-saving initiatives.

Households and businesses that have accessed the program in 2017 will save more than $400 million off their energy bills.  In terms of emissions saved, this is the equivalent of taking 500,000 cars off the road.

The VEU program is one of many initiatives designed to help businesses save on their energy bills through energy efficiency and renewable energy.

Victorian businesses are encouraged to take advantage of the full range of Victorian Government programs designed to help businesses manage their energy costs and reduce greenhouse gas emissions.

Other programs to assist businesses reduce their energy costs and emissions include the Boosting Business Productivity program and Better Commercial Buildings grants program.

To find out more about Victorian Energy Upgrades and other efficiency programs available to businesses, visit:
Sam ClaytonAuthor:Sam Clayton
About: Sam has over 14 years of experience in energy efficiency, fuel switching and the implementation of cost saving options from the findings of energy efficient audits on large industrial plants. Sam has extensive experience in evaluation of upgrading and utilisation options for gas, biomass and other fuels. His experience includes material/fuel characterization, practical research and demonstration, techno-economic assessments, and detailed feasibility studies.
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