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First Lab In Australia to gain NATA accreditation for analysis of biomass and RDF

Posted by Nick Miller on 12 December 2017

hrl: achieves NATA accreditation for analysis of biomass and Refuse-derived fuel (RDF)

This week hrl: is the first lab in Australia to gain accreditation for the analysis of biomass and Refuse-derived fuel (RDF).  RDF is a fuel produced from various types of wastes such as Municipal Solid Wastes (MSW), industrial wastes or commercial wastes. This has been a 9 month process and Manager Nick Miller comments, "we are the first lab in Australia to gain this accreditation and so I am very proud of our team."

The process to receive accreditation includes a number of steps.

1. Application for Accreditation - Each applicant will be required to provide a copy of its quality manual and other management system and technical documentation as advised by NATA.

2.Advisory Visit - An advisory visit is an informal review of facilities undertaken by a NATA lead assessor to examine the major non-technical elements of the system and identify any significant gaps in relation to the requirements.

3. Select an The Authorised Representative - the authorised representative is normally a senior staff member who is in a position to make decisions regarding the facility's accreditation and to effectively communicate with colleagues.

4.The Assessment -  involves a thorough evaluation of all the elements of the facility's operation that contribute to the production of accurate and reliable data. These elements includes:

  • management system
  • staffing, including training and supervision
  • methods, including validation/verification
  • quality control
  • proficiency testing
  • equipment, including calibration
  • recording and reporting of results
  • the physical environment in which the activities are performed

5. Scope of Accreditation - Accreditation is described by of classes and subclasses of test or activity. The extent of a facility's accreditation is known as its 'scope of accreditation'.

6.Granting Accreditation - Having achieved NATA accreditation, facilities are entitled to apply the NATA endorsement to their reports. This is widely recognised in Australia and overseas as a symbol of competence and reliability.

7. Continuing Accreditation - Online assessment activity: This involves an online activity by a NATA lead assessor at 12 and 36 months. Surveillance visit: This involves an on-site visit by a NATA lead assessor at 24 months. Selected technical areas and the management system are reviewed. Reassessment visit: This involves an on-site visit by the NATA lead assessor and the relevant number of technical assessors every four years.

This accrediation gives hrl: clients another reason to have confidence in hrl: as a leader it its field.


Nick MillerAuthor:Nick Miller
About: Business Unit Leader, Laboratory and Testing Services. Nick has over 20 years of experience working as a chemist in the power generation and mineral processing industries. Inorganic and elemental analysis of various sample types, particularly fuels such as coal, oil and biosolids as well as pharmaceuticals, soils and waters.
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Tags:Analytical ServicesComplianceBio energy

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