First Lab In Australia to gain NATA accreditation for analysis of biomass and RDF
hrl: achieves NATA accreditation for analysis of biomass and Refuse-derived fuel (RDF)
This week hrl: is the first lab in Australia to gain accreditation for the analysis of biomass and Refuse-derived fuel (RDF). RDF is a fuel produced from various types of wastes such as Municipal Solid Wastes (MSW), industrial wastes or commercial wastes. This has been a 9 month process and Manager Nick Miller comments, "we are the first lab in Australia to gain this accreditation and so I am very proud of our team."
The process to receive accreditation includes a number of steps.
1. Application for Accreditation - Each applicant will be required to provide a copy of its quality manual and other management system and technical documentation as advised by NATA.
2.Advisory Visit - An advisory visit is an informal review of facilities undertaken by a NATA lead assessor to examine the major non-technical elements of the system and identify any significant gaps in relation to the requirements.
3. Select an The Authorised Representative - the authorised representative is normally a senior staff member who is in a position to make decisions regarding the facility's accreditation and to effectively communicate with colleagues.
4.The Assessment - involves a thorough evaluation of all the elements of the facility's operation that contribute to the production of accurate and reliable data. These elements includes:
- management system
- staffing, including training and supervision
- methods, including validation/verification
- quality control
- proficiency testing
- equipment, including calibration
- recording and reporting of results
- the physical environment in which the activities are performed
5. Scope of Accreditation - Accreditation is described by of classes and subclasses of test or activity. The extent of a facility's accreditation is known as its 'scope of accreditation'.
6.Granting Accreditation - Having achieved NATA accreditation, facilities are entitled to apply the NATA endorsement to their reports. This is widely recognised in Australia and overseas as a symbol of competence and reliability.
7. Continuing Accreditation - Online assessment activity: This involves an online activity by a NATA lead assessor at 12 and 36 months. Surveillance visit: This involves an on-site visit by a NATA lead assessor at 24 months. Selected technical areas and the management system are reviewed. Reassessment visit: This involves an on-site visit by the NATA lead assessor and the relevant number of technical assessors every four years.
This accrediation gives hrl: clients another reason to have confidence in hrl: as a leader it its field.
Tags:Analytical ServicesComplianceBio energy |