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Gold and Silver Concentrations

Posted by Marius Harmse on 27 February 2017

Marius Harmse is our expert Senior Chemist and contributed to an article in Chemistry a European Journey and pulished on Wilely's Online Library called 

Seedless Synthesis of Monodispersed Gold Nanorods with Remarkably High Yield: Synergistic Effect of Template Modification and Growth Kinetics Regulation

Marius HarmseAuthor:Marius Harmse
About: Senior Analytical Chemist Experienced and innovative sales person with sophisticated sales, customer service, and business administration skills. Analysis of a wide variety of samples using classical methods of analysis, including Gravimetry, Titrimetry (colorimetric, arsenometric, iodometric, redox) and instrumental methods of analysis, including ICP-OES, FAAS, GC(EDT), ISE, WD-XRF, IC(ED), Potentiography, UV/VIS.
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Tags:Analytical Services

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