hrl: delivers energy and cost savings for Stone and Wood via the OEH
Elected by the NSW Office of Environment and Heritage (OEH) as a member of the Energy efficiency professional service panel, hrl: has delivered a number of energy audits under the OEH's Energy Efficient Business Program. One such energy audit was completed in 2016 for Stone and Wood Brewery in Murwillumbah, NSW.
During the audit, hrl: assessed the use of LPG and electricity across the brewery operations, particularly LPG use related to boiler operation and subsequent use of steam and hot water throughout the brewery. hrl: calculated payback periods and provided business cases for several energy savings opportunities, and the top three alone were shown to deliver ongoing savings of 10% of site energy consumption. This equated to cost savings that could not be ignored, so Stone and Wood quickly took action to realise those savings.
Outcomes of the energy audit included:
- For Stone and Wood Brewery Energy and cost savings identified, assessed, and implemented
- For OEH Another successful energy audit that resulted in real savings for NSW industry
- For hrl: Energy and environment experts delivered value to OEH and Stone and Wood
James Perrin, Sustainability Manager at Stone and Wood, concluded, "Going through the process of the energy audit was great for two main reasons. Firstly, it identified where we have information gaps and what we can start measuring to better understand our energy usage. Secondly, it independently identified and quantified energy savings projects that we had internally known about, but hadn't yet been able to build a business case around. We are keen to act quickly and implement these improvements to lock in benefits."
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