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hrl: sells leading gas appliance testing laboratory to IAMPO in exciting new partnership

Posted by Media Release on 28 April 2017

hrl: in exciting new partnership

hrl: today announced it has sold its world-leading, NATA-accredited gas appliance testing laboratory, located in Mulgrave, Australia, to the world's leading plumbing and mechanical product certification agency, IAPMO.  The deal was agreed in March, 2017, the deal signifies an exciting partnership between the two organisations enabling hrl: to focus on its core business and IAPMO to deliver an end-to-end gas appliance testing and certification service to its clients. CEO of hrl:, Ken Jefferd, said, "We at hrl: are delighted to announce the transferal of ownership of our gas appliance testing laboratory to such a distinguished business in IAPMO. We've worked tirelessly over many years to create a top-class, NATA-accredited gas appliance testing laboratory of which we're very proud, enabling businesses to obtain certification and get their products to market faster than ever before. 

However, under new ownership, hrl: is now focused on its specialism in power generation, providing leading testing, engineering, and innovation services. By partnering with IAPMO and transferring the ownership of our gas appliance testing laboratory, we're putting a valuable asset and capability in the right hands and, at the same time, enabling us to focus on our core business. We look forward to seeing IAPMO leverage the asset to significantly grow its testing and certification capability for the benefit of its customers."

About hrl:

With a rich history that begun with the provision of science and engineering firepower to start Australia's brown coal power station industry back in the 1950s, we're trusted by the biggest businesses in Australia and Asia for good reason. Our proven track record includes being a part of the State Electricity Commission of Victoria, and then working with the Victorian State electricity sector privatization in the mid-90s. Over the years, there's not much we haven't seen if it's exploded, fallen down, fallen apart, or just worn out, our expert engineers have fixed it!

In 2017, under new ownership, we've reinvented hrl: with big growth aspirations designed to make a difference in critical industries like thermal power, mining and minerals, renewables, manufacturing, legal and insurance. Today, our expert engineers work with the likes of AGL, Engie, Rio Tinto, Coles, IXOM, Origin, Lion Nathan, and other blue chip businesses. Acting as their trusted technical partner, we willingly collaborate with likeminded engineers, general managers, quality control, asset managers, and procurement teams to meet and exceed their goals.

Media inquiries: Dan MacInnis on 0400 507 037 or

Author:Media Release
About: Contact Danielle MacInnis for more information:
Tags:Media Release

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