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hrl: welcomes the new Indonesian Ambassador

Posted by Media Release on 16 November 2017
Indonesia Business Council

hrl: attended a function this week held by the Australian Indonesia Business Council that welcomed Indonesia's Ambassador Pak Yohanes Kristiarto Legowo to Australia and farewelled the Indonesia's Consul General Ibu Dewi Savitri Wahab.

hrl: international strategy continues to focus on supporting the Indonesian Electricity Generation industry with expert combustion optimisation and energy efficiency strategies.

(Pictured: - left to right -  Geoffrey Gold (International ASEAN Business Advisor), Steven Kulibaba (hrl: General Manager), Pak Yohanes Kristiarto Legowo (Indonesia Ambassador to Australia) and Bronwyn Duke (Austrade).

hrl: draws on its depth of experience with steam raising and power generation plant to assist clients to optimise their combustion processes, and identify and address plant problems. Learn more in this case study below.

Combustion Case Study

Author:Media Release
About: Contact Danielle MacInnis for more information:
Tags:Media ReleaseCombustion Optimisation

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