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HRL and Ausmincham presented a workshop in Jakarta on plant reliability and combustion optimisation

Posted by Ken Sidharta on 29 August 2019
HRL and Ausmincham presented a workshop in Jakarta on plant reliability and combustion optimisation

Ken Sidharta during the Failure Analysis in the Power Plant session.

HRL and Ausmincham were pleased to present a mini workshop titled Failure Analysis in the Power Plant, delivered by Ken Sidharta (Mechanical/Materials Engineer) and Combustion Tuning for Boiler Efficiency and Availability Maximisation delivered by Andrew james (Senior Combustion Engineer), in the Ausmincham office at the Manhattan Square Building, 3rd Floor Jl. TB. Simatupang Kav 1S, Jakarta, Indonesia, on 1st August 2019.

The workshop was attended by PT Adaro and its subsidiaries, and several other companies with interest in thermal power generation industries.

The workshop was part of HRL's international strategy to continue to focus on supporting the Indonesian electricity generation industry and introducing our expertise in the plant reliability and combustion optimisation strategies.

We thank Ausmincham for facilitating the workshop.

Ken SidhartaAuthor:Ken Sidharta
About: Over 10 years of experience in the area of root cause failure investigation, corrosion studies and condition assessment of plant structures, high temperature equipment, pressure vessels, piping and fire damage.
Connect via:LinkedIn
Tags:Power PlantsCombustion OptimisationFailure AnalysisEvent

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