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HRL in Hydrogen

Posted by Dr Abi Babu on 8 December 2021
HRL in Hydrogen

J-Power Latrobe Valley (JPLV) awarded HRL the contract for operation and maintenance of the new gasification and hydrogen refining pilot plant in the Latrobe Valley, Victoria. Click here to watch our new video about our role at the pilot plant on our LinkedIn site. This is part of HRL's participation in the world-first Hydrogen Energy Supply Chain (HESC) Project. Check out our decarbonisation journey.

Dr Abi BabuAuthor:Dr Abi Babu
About: Experienced in the development, testing, quality assurance and commercialisation of emerging industries and future fuels, including hydrogen and ammonia. Over 5 years’ experience in research and development of new aerospace alloys for additive manufacturing (3d printing). Expertise in advanced microstructural characterisation, corrosion evaluation and life assessment of components using advanced in-situ/ex-situ techniques.
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Tags:Clean EnergyHydrogenEnergyNet zeroDecarbonisationEnergy transitionEnergy Australia

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