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Join Uniper and HRL at PowerGen Australia

Posted by Dr Fedir Woskoboenko on 30 July 2019
Join Uniper and HRL at PowerGen Australia

Uniper and HRL at PowerGen Australia 2019

Uniper and HRL will be at PowerGen Australia 2019 from 14-15 August at the Melbourne Conference and Exhibition Centre. PowerGen is co-located at the Power and Utilities Australia Conference and Expo.

PowerGen Australia will cover all forms of power generation, from conventional to renewable energy and other low-carbon options.

At PowerGen Australia you will be able to discuss challenges facing the power industry as well as opportunities and solutions for advancing the power generation sector.

Please join us there.

To get a free ticket to PowerGen Australia 2019 visit the Uniper events webpage

PowerGen Australia 2019

Power and Utilities Australia Conference and Expo 2019


Dr Fedir WoskoboenkoAuthor:Dr Fedir Woskoboenko
About: Many years of experience in technical, leadership and management roles and is a principal consultant. Technical expert in energy and power. Extensive networks in power and energy industries, government and university sectors.
Connect via:LinkedIn
Tags:EventPower Plants

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