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Liquified hydrogen produced in Victoria ready to be shipped to Japan

Posted by Chris Patterson on 27 January 2022
Liquified hydrogen produced in Victoria ready to be shipped to Japan

The  Suiso Frontier docked at the Port of Hastings. 

The world-first liquified hydrogen carrier, Suiso Frontier, was welcomed at the Port of Hastings, Victoria on 21 January 2022 with a function attended by around 200 project partners including dignitaries from the Victorian, Australian and Japanese Governments.  HRL was represented by Mr John Clifford, our Investing Chairman and Director, and Mr Chris Patterson, our Operations Manager of the J-Power Gasification and Hydrogen Refining Pilot Plant at Traralgon, Victoria. 

Pure hydrogen was successfully produced in mid-2021 at the J-Power Gasification and Hydrogen Refining Pilot Plant at Traralgon, Victoria.  Since then the gas has been pumped at high pressure to the hydrogen production trailer on site, with the trailer being routinely transported by road to the Port of Hastings.  There the hydrogen gas has been liquified and stored ready for export.  The liquified hydrogen will be transferred to the carrier for shipment to Kobe, Japan.

The arrival of the Suiso Frontier marks another high point for the Hydrogen Energy Supply Chain (HESC) Pilot Project.

At the J-Power Gasification and Hydrogen Refining Pilot Plant at Traralgon, Victoria, the final gasification run took place on 25 January 2022 with further 99.999% pure hydrogen produced. The run was conducted by HRL’s on-site engineering team with support and testing from HRL’s analytical laboratories.

The gas production facility has been a great success, meeting all of the project milestones safely and without incident. The high-quality data collected will facilitate understanding of technical aspects and economics for the design of a full-scale commercial facility.

The HRL team is now preparing to hibernate the plant, making it safe and working towards demobilising by the end of March 2022.

Please see the Hydrogen webpage and the Latest News for further information about the project and also the Future Energy webpage.

Additional information on the arrival of the Suiso Frontier can be found on the HESC and ABC News websites.

Chris PattersonAuthor:Chris Patterson
About: Operations Manager of the J-Power Gasification and Hydrogen Refining Pilot Plant at Traralgon, Victoria, part of the Latrobe Valley Hydrogen Energy Supply Chain project (LVHESC).
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Tags:InnovationClean EnergyHydrogen Energy Supply ChainHydrogenEnergy transition

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