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Maurice and Blackburn - Bush Class Action

Posted by Steven Kulibaba on 21 July 2016

Lawyers in Victoria, lead a class action arising out of the 2009

Black Saturday bushfires. The class action from that bushfire proceeded to trial, Matthews v SPI Electricity Pty Ltd & Ors, and ran for 16 months with over 100 witnesses. HRL was engaged by Maurice Blackburn as an expert witness to conduct a number of additional controlled laboratory tests and presented these to the court as evidence in this case, supporting the case that the fire commenced due to a conductor failure at East Kilmore. 

Read more about this as a case study....

Steven KulibabaAuthor:Steven Kulibaba
About: General Manager hrl: Steven is an experienced General Manager with strong and extensive operational, sales and marketing expertise with 15 years’ experience working in executive operational, sales and marketing roles. His leadership style of empowerment, accountability and fostering collaboration aligns the operational and commercial demands of a business to deliver exceptional customer outcomes
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