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Update on Sustainability Victoria's Energy Assessment Grant offer

Posted by Sam Clayton on 24 May 2018

Back in September 2017 we reported on the Victorian Government's Victorian Energy Upgrades (VEU) program. The funding offer has been revised by Sustainability Victoria.  Following is an outline of the grants and a link to the government website.

Updated Energy Assessment Grant funding offer (as of 11 April 2018):

Basic energy assessment grant:
Businesses will receive up to $5000 to invest in energy efficiency.
The grant will cover up to $2000 towards the cost of a basic energy assessment and a further $3000 bonus to implement energy efficiency actions.
Funding example: For an assessment quoted at $2600, Sustainability Victoria (SV) funds $2000, the business funds $600. The assessment report recommends an energy saving project costing $3000, SV funds the $3000 to undertake the project.

Detailed energy assessment grant:
Businesses will receive up to $20,000 to invest in energy efficiency.
The grant will cover half of the cost of an assessment up to $15,000 and a $5000 bonus to be used to implement energy efficiency actions.
Funding example: For an assessment quoted at $8200, SV funds $4100, the business funds $4100. The assessment report recommends an energy saving project costing $5000, SV funds the $5000 to undertake the project.

Applications close 28th September 2018

To find out more about the Victorian Energy Assessment funding grants and other energy efficiency grants go to:

How we can help:

HRL has demonstrated experience in improving energy efficiency and reducing energy costs for clients in a range of industries.  The primary focus is energy intensive industries with high demand for steam, power and natural gas. HRL not only performs energy audits focused on identifying energy saving opportunities but also undertakes engineering activities to evaluate opportunities in detail and to develop solutions through to implementation.

Sam ClaytonAuthor:Sam Clayton
About: Sam has over 14 years of experience in energy efficiency, fuel switching and the implementation of cost saving options from the findings of energy efficient audits on large industrial plants. Sam has extensive experience in evaluation of upgrading and utilisation options for gas, biomass and other fuels. His experience includes material/fuel characterization, practical research and demonstration, techno-economic assessments, and detailed feasibility studies.
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