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Waste Expo - 11-12th October in Melbourne

Posted by Nick Miller on 6 October 2017

Our Expert in Waste Analysis will present at the Waste Expo

hrl: is part of the Waste Expo on the 11th and 12th of October, 2017 at the Melbourne Convention and Exhibition Centre. This is the premier event for waste and resource recovery in Australia and our expert Nick Miller will be presenting at the Expo.

The title of the presentation is "Knowing your waste streams characterising techniques"

The brief synopsis is "Understanding your waste streams is important for many reasoning including supporting technology selection and meeting EPA requirements.  Sampling and Analysis methodology and technique selection is critical to ensuring the characterisation of your waste streams are conducted accurately. This presentation should act as a guide to ensuring the right processes are followed in characterising you waste streams". To see Nick present you need to attend on the 11th, 12:30 to 2pm.

Here is a little bit about Nick.

Nick has over 20 years of experience working as a chemist in the environmental, energy/power generation and mineral processing industries and for the last 10 years has specialised in the sampling and material characterisation of waste materials including Biomass, MSW and SRF.
Nick leads the combustion laboratory for hrl: which is about to become the 1st NATA accredited laboratory for the analysis/characterisation of Biomass and Alternative Fuels in Australia , as well as laboratory for Rio Tinto at the Bundoora R&D facility. Learn more here.

It is an exciting event that hrl: are proud to be part of. Please see the program guide.

Learn more about our Waste Analysis Services where we discuss:

  • Innovative technical solutions
  • Waste resource analysis and characterisation
  • Process design and simulation
  • Engineering design cost studies
  • Scale-up plant design, construction and commissioning
  • Ongoing technical support


Nick MillerAuthor:Nick Miller
About: Business Unit Leader, Laboratory and Testing Services. Nick has over 20 years of experience working as a chemist in the power generation and mineral processing industries. Inorganic and elemental analysis of various sample types, particularly fuels such as coal, oil and biosolids as well as pharmaceuticals, soils and waters.
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Tags:Waste Analysis

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