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Shelving System Case Study

HRL modifies and tests supermarket shelving system to eliminate safety risk


The client is a leading supermarket chain in Australia. Having noticed that a shelving system had started to show signs of instability, the client required assistance to stabilise the system and verify the load capacity. Whilst there are many shelving and display units available to carry large loads, not all imported products are tested to determine load capacity and Australian Standards compliance testing is typically targeted at larger storage systems. The challenge was to modify the existing design, determine its load capacity, and then ensure it was adequate for actual loads. 


HRL has conducted proof loading testing of support structures, anchors, lifting devices, safety devices, and many other components for over 20 years. After making modifications to the design, HRL tested the shelving system in its laboratory by applying calibrated weights incrementally while measuring load, deflection, and strains to determine its load capacity. 


As a result of this testing process, the load capacity of the modified shelving system was determined to be greater than the load being placed on it. An engineering testing certificate was provided for future reference, and the safety risk was mitigated. 

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"hrl: is a company we have been using for a long time now without any problems, they have been extremely good with customer service and we have deve...

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