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HRSG Gas Turbine Case Study

HRL ensures efficient and compliant operation of major gas-fired power station


A major gas-fired power station in Queensland needed engineering and site services to support the inspection and regulatory compliance of a heat recovery steam generator and associated pressure parts, including deaerators, drains flash vessels, and high energy pipework. With strict statutory requirements imposed by the Queensland state government, the client needed inspection advice to enable them to successfully and safely operate the generator for a period of four years until the next inspection outage.


Knowing that HRL had a proven track record and the necessary equipment to complete this work, the client engaged HRL to provide a risk-based materials engineering review of the condition of the heat recovery steam generator. HRL then used this data to develop a cost-effective inspection program for a future major plant outage, covering the next four years of operation. With a focus on 'run, repair, replace' decisions, HRL provided comprehensive insights into the state of major components and recommendations regarding future maintenance.  HRL then provided a thorough project report on the condition of the plant including details of the inspections completed and the associated findings, a shopping list of work to be completed before the next inspection (including new designs to look at, repairs to be made, and parts to order). And finally, a compliance statement was provided stating that the plant was found to be compliant with codes and standards and fit for operation until the next major inspection. Inspection procedures and programs were also updated in accordance with Australian standard and Queensland state legislation.


This inspection program was applied on site during a planned outage, and the work was completed within time and budget. The advice provided by HRL has ensured that the plant will retain its integrity and compliance for at least a further four years of operation. HRL's 'run, repair, replace' methodology provided the plant operator with the assurance of regulatory compliance and the flexibility to keep the plant in operation, thereby maximising financial return. The client was satisfied with the work completed, and has continued to engage HRL's services.

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"We have utilised hrl: for many years and have found hrl: to retain and utilise the same personnel on our tasks providing a high degree of familiarity of the hrl: personnel to the work and our personnel.  Additionally, hrl: have some highly ex...

Paul Farington
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